Samsung reported on the development of smart for her watch, which said that her name would be GEAR indicate that the deadline will be disclosed in the September 4 next. In a patent application by Samsung for Patent Information Institute in South Korea, shows us a typical design for an hour carrying the model number SM-V700 and they believe this is the design that you will use Samsung's smart in her hour GEAR.Of the design is clear to us that the time will use glass fold. Also as you see time will contain touch buttons (one for the list, and the other for reference). But at the top of the time you'll find the power button with external speakers port. And on the side is clear and a microUSB port for charging or connecting time.Recent reports on the development of Samsung's smart for her watch, which said that her name will be GEAR indicate that the deadline will be disclosed in the September 4 next. In a patent application by Samsung for Patent Information Institute in South Korea, shows us a typical design for an hour carrying the model number SM-V700 and they believe this is the design that you will use Samsung's smart in her hour GEAR.Of the design is clear to us that the time will use glass fold. Also contain the clock on the touch buttons (one for the list, and the other for reference). But at the top of the time you'll find the power button with external speakers port. And on the side is clear and a microUSB port for charging or connecting time. Also on the right side there is an external port for something, may be a microphone.د
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